2014 Presents 10 New California Laws

Published On: January 13, 2014Categories: Article Archives

10 new California laws go into effect in 2014. With increases to the minimum wage, and gun control laws, protection of transgender students, and protection for victims of domestic violence, there are many changes coming this year.

1. In July, the Minimum wage increases to $9 an hour.

2. Immigrants will now be protected under the Trust Act which limits deportations for those arrested for minor crimes and who have no criminal record.

3. Transgender students will have protection in that children will be allowed to play on sports teams and use restrooms of the gender they identify with.

4. Children will no longer be limited to two parents. The new law states that children can legally have three or more parents.  For example, a lesbian couple can be legally recognized as parents as well as the child’s father.

5. Faulty parking meters will no longer be a risk.  The state law will prohibit a city from charging people who park in front of a meter that doesn’t work.

6. More Family Leave will go into place providing up to six weeks when caring for a new baby, care for a seriously ill child, spouse, domestic partner, or parent. The law will now include the caring for siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, and even parents-in-law.

7. Gun Control will be tightened. The state will now demand collecting information for long gun purchases such as shot guns or rifles. Records will be maintained, as previously, the state destroyed them after five days.

8. A new Bike Law goes into effect that says motorists are required to maintain a 3-foot buffer between themselves and the bicyclist when they pass while traveling in the same direction. When there is not enough room, the motorist is legally required to slow down to a reasonable speed and pass “when no danger is present to the bicyclist” per the California Department of Motor Vehicles.

9. Abuse survivors can now break their lease early without penalty.  Victims of domestic violence can give their landlord a form as proof that they have been abused.  When a victim has the freedom to leave a potentially dangerous situation, rather than be forced to dwell within a residence that is an unsafe, the victim is protected by breaking the lease early, and quickly changing location.

In 2014, these 10 new California laws go into effect. People should feel safer with protection in place for gun control, domestic violence victims, and traffic safety.  Contact Wraith, Scarlett & Randolph for information about personal protection for you and your family, or your business. WSR is widely known and is a full service agency providing clients with superior package products for home, auto, medical, life, and workers compensation. Contact Wraith, Scarlett & Randolph for the most trusted levels of protection in 2014.

