Woodland Duck Pluck 2013!
The Duck Pluck is coming, the Duck Pluck is coming! If you are not familiar with the Woodland Duck Pluck, get your family and friends together and be a part of this fun-filled fundraiser. Money raised from the event benefit Woodland Healthcare’s Family Birth Center. This is the largest single fundraising event of the entire year for the Woodland Healthcare Foundation.
The Woodland Duck Pluck 2013 is moving to a new location. This year’s Duck Pluck will take place in conjunction with Woodland Farmers Market at Woodland Healthcare. This makes it a free, family-friendly event.
If you are not familiar, here’s how it works. A maximum of 550 numbered rubber ducks are sold at $100 each. Ducks can be bought by individuals, groups, or businesses. The ducks are put into a pool, and three are plucked at random. First place prize is $10,000, second prize is $1,000 and third prize is $500. This year’s event takes place on Tuesday, September 17th. If you would like to purchase a duck or like more information, call the Woodland Healthcare Foundation at 530-669-5680.
Wraith, Scarlett & Randoph Insurance Services is pleased to be a part of California since 1917, and are proud to support community events like the Duck Pluck.