WSR insurance agent Chris O'Sullivan

Chris O'Sullivan

Insurance Agent

P: (979) 645-7446

Chris O’Sullivan specializes in property and casualty as well as crop insurance. During 27 seasons of operating his fully integrated multi crop family farm of 1500 acres, and managing another 1500 acres of other family farms, Chris grew many crops such as rice, wheat, corn, processing tomatoes, cotton, beans, safflower and almonds.  He had his own agricultural commodity transportation business which included hazardous materials and heavy hauling.  In 2018, Chris retired from farming and became a commercial property landlord and building manager. Chris’s diverse life experiences also took him through all aspects of tomato processing in both the US and Australia. After having utilized many different insurance products himself over the years, Chris is positive he can provide for all your insurance needs.Chris enjoys hunting and fishing with his family all over Southeast Texas, where he currently resides with his wife and fellow WSR agent, Shanna, and has been an avid bodybuilder since 2015.

Field of grazing cows
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