Careers at WSR

Our people are our most valued resources. We commit ourselves to achieving and sustaining a daily life that reflects our core values to our employees, clients, companies and the communities we serve.

We Value


Recruit, hire and retain a diverse group of highly competent people who share our values and commit to living by them. Treat each other with respect by acknowledging contributions, listening actively and being considerate.


Encourage continuous professional development. Provide a working environment to foster the highest quality from our people to become experts in their respective jobs.


Everyone is encouraged to think beyond their defined responsibility to find better ways to serve our clients or improve our company.


Keep people informed.
Communicate our expectations and provide honest and timely feedback on performance.


Choose to do business with others who behave with integrity. Accept responsibility for our mistakes and take ownership of corrective action.
Honor our commitments…do what we say we will do.


To achieve our mission we will all be accountable for high levels of performance.

Our Core Values

Client First

Prioritizing personalized solutions, asset protection, and risk management

Driven Excellence

Combining drive, responsiveness, and creative problem-solving

Go Forward

Building dependable and trustworthy relationships, and paths forward

Beyond Business

Expanding horizons, redefining standards, and championing client success

Unified Determination

Embracing teamwork, resilience, and a passion for results